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How we use cookies

A “cookie” is a small file sent by the data controller's server which is installed on your computer’s hard drive. The information it contains may be sent back to our servers or third party servers during a subsequent visit.

There are various types of cookies:

Functional cookies are those which ensure that all the elements of a web site function properly. These include, for example, cookies that are essential for protecting the website, cookies that are necessary for load balancing (i.e. the distribution of requests to a server over a certain number of computers) and cookies that enable the user interface to be personalised (in particular the choice of language and how search results are displayed). These cookies do not require your consent.

Cookie name




Login and session information

1 year


Form security cookies

1 year

Non-functional cookies are placed for statistical, social and commercial purposes and therefore are not deemed to meet the conditions for exemption from the consent requirement. Your explicit consent is required for these cookies to be used:

Cookie name




Used to distinguish visitors

2 years


Used to distinguish visitors



Used to obtain the visitor’s session state

2 years


Contains information relative to a specific Google Ads campaign

90 days

Social network shares

The social network sharing functions make it extremely easy to publish a link to the content of the page shared on the user’s social network accounts. This service uses cookies placed by these Platforms on the server of visitors who click on these links. NUTERGIA declines any responsibility for these processes. To exercise your rights in respect of such cookies, it is up to the individuals concerned to contact the relevant platforms on the basis of their own privacy & cookies policies.